My Friends Don’t Read My Blogs
It kinda sucks.
About a year ago, I started blogging; I used to post on Google’s Blogger, then moved to Medium.
At first, everyone I knew was supportive, people were clapping here and there and sharing my work with their friends, fast-forward a couple of blogs, nobody cared at all.
I expected this from some of my followers, but not from my close circle of friends. I know I don’t need them to write, but I like to have a support system.
I spend days thinking of a great subject, then hours trying to put all of my thoughts down; then I have to edit and sometimes I end up rewriting everything, I put my blood, sweat and tears on these short articles; they are my favourite part of the week.
I don’t write to please anyone but myself; I enjoy sharing my thoughts with the world, and I enjoy hearing the world’s thoughts in return.
I can prove to you that my friends, my close friends, won’t read this blog, they will come to me asking me questions I answered here, they will act as if they read it and that hurts, I hate being lied to.
About a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about reading books and I received multiple direct messages on Instagram from people asking me questions I had already answered in the blog. The same thing happened with my blog about having kids, a friend came to me contradicting the title, just the title.
It pisses me off when people lie to me and lie about lying to me. If you don’t read my blog, that’s ok but don’t come to me talking about it acting as if you read it.
I have a tiny support system that consists of 4 people; one of them is my sister whom I forced to get medium just to read my blogs, how sad is that?
I wish the world was kinder to those who are passionate about something. I support every talented person I know; I hype them and congratulate them on every minor victory they achieve, and I want to have that, just 50% of what I give.
I understand that this blog is personal, but I had to take this off my chest, I need to let go of this subject and the only way I can do that is by writing about it (another perk of writing).
Please, if you didn’t read this blog, don’t come talking to me about it, if you do, it will just prove my point.
To the people who read and talk to me about what I write, I love you guys, I genuinely appreciate you and I don’t know how I would have done it without you.
PS: When I finish the book I’m currently reading, I’ll share with you my favorite quotes this week.