I Had A COVID-19 Scare, It Was Scary.

Ehssan El Medkouri
3 min readDec 7, 2020


A 5-day long panic attack.

Last week, my mother caught a terrible cold, we didn't mind it at first because she used to have horrible colds for years, they would knock her out for days.

A week after she got sick we started catching up with her, and thanks to a little bitch called anxiety, I thought I had the virus. Let me tell you how scary that rollercoaster was.

  • Day 1: I woke up at 7:30 with horrible chills, I got myself another blanket and slept until 1 pm (boo hoo me; I know). When I woke up, I had terrible back pain; I thought it was normal since I have the back of an 80-year-old, and with this cold weather, it would be weird if it didn't cause me pain.
    I could feel my nose and throat itching, I instantly knew I was getting mom’s flu. I prepared myself with Zinc and Vitamin C, and I took Ibuprofen (but that one was mostly for my back).
  • Day 2: I couldn't get out of bed, I was so chilly and the two heavy blankets didn't exactly help me get out; I had a runny nose and a slight cough. I could still smell and taste, don't worry, I paid attention to every detail.
    I went back to sleep at 3 pm and didn't wake until 6 pm. This day was the hardest as I felt every bone in my body break.
    Before I went to bed (lol, I was in bed the entire day); I took two ibuprofen, let’s not forget I took Zinc and Vitamin C again when I woke up.
    Since I slept all day, I couldn't sleep at night, so I watched 4 movies (in a row yes!). I sweat like crazy that night I had to change my clothes at 3 am, but I felt much better. My bones stopped itching and my nose stopped running (it got tired.), I fell asleep normally at 5 am.
  • Day 3: New day, new me. Literally! I woke up like I have had a massage the night before; I felt great! My old back still hurt a bit, but I got used to it at this point. I could get out of bed this time; I did some tasks I had on my planner and moved around the house a bit. I was mostly okay! I could smell and taste fine. I went back to bed around 5 pm, 4 more movies :).
  • Day 4: Better than the day before, my back stopped hurting but mother nature was like let’s add spice to her life and make her not taste, I couldn’t taste my favorite chocolate, I wouldn't notice if it was replaced with soap! I didn't know if it was because of the cold or Ms. Rona, as most people lose their tasting buds when they have a cold. That never happened to me, anyway. I could taste a liiiiiiiiittle bit, but the taste felt far away.
  • Day 5: Which is the day I’m writing this, I’m feeling much, much better, I could taste a little better than yesterday, I had orange juice and it tasted fine; I don't have a runny nose, and my fever broke (broke the inside of my nose and my lip too). I can say I’m 90% recovered.

I’ll keep taking my minerals and vitamins, I’m drinking a lot of water and getting a lot of rest. Being a human being with a functioning brain, I won’t be going out for the next 10 days, I need to make sure that this is just a cold; I don’t want to be the reason for getting someone infected. Plus, I can’t complain, because this means more free time for me to write!

To all of you out there, please stay safe and away from me. Love you!

PS: This is the reason why I didn't post last week, but I’ll make it up to you with a second blog this week.



Ehssan El Medkouri
Ehssan El Medkouri

Written by Ehssan El Medkouri

I read, write, and embarrass myself online. A 25-year-old passionate published author who wants to travel the world and visit every bookshop possible ✨🖤

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