9 Red Flags You Should Pay Attention To When You Meet Someone New.
It’s a carnival.
Some individuals come into our lives just to teach us lessons and make us better people and eventually to live easier as they help us know what we want and don’t want in life.
When meeting a new person especially through social media, you need to be really careful as it can be hard to know their true intentions.
There are some signs that can show you that that person is not the one. These signs are called red flags and sometimes they can be alarming. To help you out, I listed some flags that I have ignored in the past just because I liked having someone in my life. I turned a blind eye when I should have turn around and left.
1- Lying:
This is the hardest flag to notice as it can be well hidden. Nothing kills the vibe more than lies. It is my number one turn off and it helped me move on. A lie is a lie, no matter its size. There is no such thing as a white lie.
So, if you sniff a lie, RUN.
2- Secrets:
Oh boy! There is a difference between not opening up and keeping secrets. Imagine yourself marrying the person you met online, and after 30 years of marriage, you find out they are named Jamal and they are wanted for murder in 2 different countries.
If you sense that your date is hiding something, RUN.
3- Cheating:
If they have cheated on their ex with you or if they told you they cheated before. Cheaters never change no matter what they tell you.
So if you find yourself with a cheater, save yourself and RUN.
4- Past relationships:
If they are still in contact with their exes. There is a difference between casual contact once a year and excessive contact. I dated someone who was pretty tight with their ex. How did I turn a blind eye to that? I’ll never know. No one can be just friends with their exes.
So, if your date mentions their ex and how they are “friends” RUN.
5- Don’t express feelings:
How can you form a relationship with someone who doesn’t tell you how they feel and hide behind void excuses?
If they can’t tell you how they feel, they don’t deserve to be in your life. RUN.
6- Indecisiveness:
If the person you are dating doesn’t know what they want in life, they surely won’t know what they want in a relationship. You’ll only waste your time and energy on someone who isn’t stable.
So, if your date is indecisive about big life decisions. RUN.
7- Ghosting:
If your date ghosts you for days then comes up with excuses, they are just toying with you and don’t respect you.
So, if they ghost you, block them then RUN.
8- Unsolicited nudes:
If the person you have just met sends you their pp or hooha in the middle of the day when you were casually talking about a tv show, block them. This had just happened to me a couple of weeks ago! I’m still traumatized.
So, if your date sends you their pp or hooha when you didn’t ask for it. RUN!
9- Hate/Dislike Harry Styles:
If the person you matched with on a dating app dislikes Harry Styles, they will break your heart. I swear it must be scientifically proven that people who dislike Harry Styles are not relationship materials.
From now on, you should ask any new people that come into your life if they like him or not. If they don’t then you know what you have to do; RUN!
It took me some time to notice these things because I’m inexperienced when it comes to dating. That doesn’t mean it was my fault that the relationship didn’t work. We are meant to meet this kind of people to grow and eventually be ready when we meet our real match.
Some people are walking carnivals, staying with them makes us nothing but clowns.
Until next time!