10 signs you are a good friend.
2 min readAug 25, 2020
Being a good person isn’t easy, it needs courage, patience, trust, and a big heart.
- You forgive and forget: no matter how badly someone hurts you; you forgive them and you forget later.
- You are a good listener: your friends like opening up to you because you are a good listener; you don’t judge and you give excellent advice.
- You don’t judge others: you never judge someone for dressing or acting differently, no matter how odd they might seem to other people.
You don’t judge your friends’ problems, even if you don’t agree with their decision. - You give without expecting something in return: how many times have you given a friend a birthday gift without waiting for one back? You can’t count, can you?
- You don’t make every conversation about you: You listen to your friend’s problem; you give advice without mentioning your personal experience because you know that the world doesn’t revolve around you.
- You mind your own business when needed: you never give your opinion on something you don’t like about your friends unless they have asked you; you aren’t nosy.
- You are there for your friends even if you don’t approve of their situation: you would help a friend get an abortion even if you are pro-life, you would bail your friend out of jail even if you’ve warned them before, you are always there no matter what.
- You see the good in people even if they don’t deserve it: you always see the good side of your friends, no matter the situation.
- You are a secret keeper: Just the fact that people trust you enough to tell you a secret means that you are a good person.
- You give people second chances: when someone hurts you; you forgive them and let them back in your life because you always see the good in people.
Send this to your good friend.